16 Şubat 2009

Premiere Lig Mezatı

6 yorum:

varol döken dedi ki...


if u have 1 chicken, you have to give it to the government and government will give u eggs, this is communism...

if u have 1 chicken and it gets sick, goverment will take the care of it free, this is socialism...

if u have 1 chicken, u can have another too, this is liberalism...

if u and your neighbour have 1 chicken, u can take your neighbour's one with money and power, this is capitalism...

if u have 1 chicken, u can share it with all your heart instead of a shell made by an artist, this is anarchism...

in fact I've got many chickens:)

varol döken dedi ki...

every human born as an anarchist, raise as a capitalist, told as a socialist, been a liberalist, can't understand communist and died with raki!

I am a Rakiist, not more...

varol döken dedi ki...

one day, there will be nothing to sell and buy and the next day is the judgment day of capitalists, festival of anarchists...

but a chicken will be always a chicken!

Schumy dedi ki...

Meja ne güzel söylemiş, "It's all about the money, I don't think it's funny" ...

arnawut dedi ki...

artık EPL diil APL :D

thunderbird dedi ki...

Andreas Gursky.