26 Kasım 2008

Filmin Sonu

Arjantin'de Ole gazetesinin manşeti Bir yıl önce işlenen bir tribün cinayeti ve romanın sonu. Katil Ariel Luna. Vakit bulunca detaylı bir son yazmak lazım buna...

4 yorum:

  1. Ariel Luna took over the crime of Gonzalo Acro, a sympathizer of the River killed 15 months ago. With a very different profile (other colors of hair, glasses and more skinny), the man who in the jargon inside the bar was called the Colo Acro acknowledged having shot a video in which she received anonymously to the newspaper Olé.

    Luna, who slid in the video that the crime was accidental, despite having given a shot in the leg and another from grace in the temple, to delink the rest of the accused (the brothers Alan and William Schlenker, among them) for the cause . It so happens that Moon was marked by Gaston Matera, wounded in the same incident that left the death of Acro, as the perpetrator, then tries that the penalty falls only on him.

    "I'm Ariel Moon and I decided to do this because I am rotten to make a story of what happened. I went a lifetime and I will be on the street and have codes. In this case that arming Adrian (Russeau, Bar River) and Aguilar (Jose Maria, president of River), and bought around the world, dirty people who had nothing to do and was told many things and that's why I decide to talk. Nobody put together anything, nobody sent to kill anyone, no one organized anything " , Moon explained in the video that he came to Olé.

    "Began the tournament, and both they and we were watching what was the other group, how many legs were together, if you were going to the rostrum, what do I know, a number of things that happen every day in a stadium. We learned that was gathered near the home of Adrian and that some trained in a gym of Villa Urquiza. That night we went to about Rousseau and then to the gym. I stayed in the corner and saw him come to two. One was Gonzalo Acro. We discussed it and came over me, threw me a tubal struggle. Hence I took the gun and tried to defend. The was pointing downwards, when the struggle and get up when the other person (for Matera) wants me to draw, what happened happened. The other ran out and I got a Ford Courier gray, with black glasses, and I left. That was what happened, "he continued.

    "No one sent me and paid me to kill anybody, nor I knew that he was armed. But when they went to harm to the stadium of River (by the incidents in the parking Playon May 6, 2007) was my son in the midst of all this problem. Since that day I decided to go armed, also by problems brought from prison and other things. Well, what happened happened, but Alan, William and Pluto, who are detained, have nothing to do, neither knew they were there. And the Sheep, Pink Floyd and Kevin (accused of being at the crime scene next to Luna) are people who are not accustomed to these things and did not agree with that I carry weapons or anything. That's why what happened happened and what could not prevent. It was an accident and nothing more, "he said.

    Now Moon would have to ratify it said in the video before the courts, unless the police find it before they go on their own intention. The story seems more connected with the belief, given that the case is settled by the fact that expertise was a crime and not something accidental. In addition, there are no indications that there has been a struggle nor Matera spoke of this in his statement.

    According to Olé, the four-minute monologue is done in one take and, for the jumps in time, show, is edited. And he has a clear role: trying to convince the courts that they would only give a scare to Acro and that he killed him almost without realizing it. The strategy has a basement under the Penal Code which states that a crime is not planned, each answered only by what was done. Under this item, Sheep Pintos, Kevin Kraft, Pink Floyd and Sergio Giron Piñeyro would only be liable for any injury, allegedly only because they were going to beat him Gonzalo.

    There is a fact, continues the Argentine sports daily, which pays rioja and is the cause: one of the fugitives called his lawyer ten minutes after the crime. And nobody is supposed to do that unless you are part of a beating and the bad thing ends in murder. But the code also says something else: one must imagine what can happen. And if it is accompanied by people with a handbook of lengthy and take weapons, such as Luna, it's possible for a tight ends in murder. Taking this point, all return to answer for murder and nobody would be extensive.

  2. Ariel Luna kimdir? Schlenker kardeşler ile bir bağlantısı var mı? Senaryonun sonunu bekliyoruz sabırsızlıkla.

  3. serinin ilk 2 yazısı arşivde yok..

  4. luna italyada yakalanmis wikipedia nin dedigine gore fakat suçu onun isleyip islemediginden emin olunamiyormus.
