Gigi Becali. Bir zamanlar adı hergün bizim gazetelerdeydi. Hagi'nin menejeri. Rivayet odur ki Bükreş'in yarısını satın almış bu adam, öyle para var işte bu fifa agent olayında. Gigi Becali şimdi Steaua Bükreş'in başında. Stadlarında Quenn şarkılarına yasak getirmiş. "Freddie Mercury gay'di, o adamın sesini duymak istemiyorum, gençlere kötü örnek oluyor" demiş Gigi Becali. Aklını okşayayım senin...
We are the champions
"it’s the most egotistical and arrogant song i’ve ever written. certainly it's 'a relationship that could be, but i was thinking about football when i wrote it. i wanted a participation song, something the fans could latch on to. it was aimed at the masses; i thought we'd see how they took it. it worked a treat. when we performed it at a private concert in london, the fans actually broke into a football chant between numbers. of course, i've given it more theatrical subtlety than an ordinary football chant. you know me. i certainly wasn't thinking about the press when i wrote it. i never think about the british music press these days. it was really meant to be offered the musicians the same as the fans. i suppose it could also be construed as my version of i did it my way. we have made it, and it certainly wasn't easy. no bed of roses as the song says. and it's still not easy" Freddie Mercury
Romanya da ülkenin en iyi cainosunda çalışan bir abim anlatırdı : Becali haftanın 2 - 3 akşamı gelir , kaybettikten sonra ortalığı dağıtır kırar döker, kimse ağzını açamazdı.Romanyanın adeta 1 numaralı mafyasıydı ...